6 Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Pharmacy Network

6 Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Pharmacy Network
May 17, 2024
RxLocal Team

Networking is an important part of any profession, independent pharmacy included. For many pharmacists, though, it can feel daunting.

Between running a business, leading a team, and managing a never-ending task list, you may find you have little time for networking.

However, if you’re interested in growing your pharmacy, you should prioritize networking. Networking offers you opportunities to connect, learn, and advance your career in the pharmacy industry.

So, whether you're a seasoned pharmacist or just starting out in the profession, here are six tips and tricks to grow your pharmacy network.

1. Attend Conferences, CEs, and Events

Rule number one of pharmacy networking: go where other pharmacists are.

Often, those pharmacists are at conferences, CEs, and other professional development events. If you want to network with them, find time in your schedule to make those events.

By registering for a conference, attending a class, or contributing to a meeting, you can not only better your business — but you can build your network, too.

Go out of your way to shake hands, sit with someone new, and strike up a conversation. You may find that a quick chat can lead to a lasting business connection.

Here are a few of the top pharmacy conferences you might be interested in attending:

To learn more about each of these conferences, read our blog, The Top 7 Pharmacy Conferences You Should Attend.

And, for more information on conferences, read our Complete Pharmacy Conference Survival Guide.

2. Participate in Service Projects

Another way to connect with like-minded pharmacists is to look for clinical programs, service projects, or other community outreach opportunities in your area and get in on those opportunities.

Whether it’s administering a new vaccine, trying out a new clinical service, or partnering with other pharmacists to give back to patients in your area, these projects can be excellent ways to meet other professionals and serve your patients.

They can also give you inspiration for implementing new programs in your pharmacy, so consider it a win-win.

3. Make the First Move

It may feel intimidating to strike up a conversation with someone new, but a few seconds of courage can make all the difference in turning a stranger into a colleague.

Make a quick introduction, ask a question, or find a topic relevant to the setting you’re in — watch how the conversation flows from there.

You’ll probably find that other pharmacists are grateful you’ve started the conversation, and who knows, they may even introduce you to others in their network, too.

4. Follow Up

If you make a connection and you want to maintain it, follow up.

Whether it's a brief email thanking them for the conversation or a phone call sharing resources, a follow-up can establish your connection and open the door for future conversations.

In the process, it can lead to continued dialogue, collaboration, and of course, professional growth.

5. Use Social Media

In the digital age, social media is among the best ways to network — without ever having to leave your desk.

If you aren’t already on LinkedIn, this is a great place to start; and if you are, it may be a good time to up your game and make your social media presence known.

Aside from LinkedIn, consider networking on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X. A few tips and tricks for maximizing your network on social media:

  • Connect with colleagues and industry leaders
  • Follow pharmacy organizations
  • Post valuable content
  • Share insights, articles, and research findings
  • Repost others’ content
  • Like and comment on others’ content

6. Seek Mentorship Opportunities

As you work to be social media savvy, don’t miss out on tried-and-true networking opportunities — like getting a mentor.

Mentorship can give you guidance, support, and practical insights from experienced pharmacists who have walked the same road as you.

Pharmacy owners, senior pharmacists, industry leaders, and respected colleagues are all great places to start when seeking a mentor.

Opportunities for mentorship may arise organically — as you attend events — or they may involve you making the ask for mentorship.

How ever they come about, don’t neglect opportunities to get advice, encouragement, and valuable feedback from mentors.


If you’re looking to advance your career, stay up to date with the industry, and make meaningful connections in the pharmacy community, don’t overlook networking.

By using these tips and tricks — from finding networking opportunities to starting conversations to connecting online and seeking mentorship opportunities — you can open new avenues for professional connection.

And, more often than not, those connections can serve you in the long run: whether it’s as simple as getting advice or as significant as collaborating on a clinical project.

All in all: networking is an important skill that will serve you throughout your entire career; so, even amid your busy schedule, take the time to network.

Connection matters, and you can be responsible for creating that connection.