How to Stay Hydrated This Summer

How to Stay Hydrated This Summer
May 31, 2024
RxLocal Team

With summer right around the corner, staying hydrated is more important than ever.

Proper hydration isn’t only important for quenching thirst, but for regulating body functions, maintaining energy, and supporting overall health.

Yet 75% of adults are chronically dehydrated, and during the summer months, that number only grows. If you want to ensure optimal health, hydration is key.

So, whether you’re hitting the hiking trails, soaking up the sun, or just checking off your daily to-do’s, use these tips and tricks to stay hydrated all summer long.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

But first: How much water should you drink? The exact amount can vary, depending on your age, weight, activity level, and climate.

In general, experts recommend following an “8x8 rule” — drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water today, which is equivalent to about half a gallon.

However, if you exercise frequently or live in a hot, humid environment, you probably need more water to stay hydrated.

A more personalized approach is to aim for about half an ounce to an ounce of water per pound of body weight every day.

Paying attention to your body's signals, such as thirst and urine color (light yellow is ideal), can also help you gauge if you're drinking enough water.

8 Tips for Hydration

1. Use a Water Bottle with Markings

You may be dehydrated without knowing it, especially if you don’t know how much water you’re drinking in the first place.

If you struggle to keep up with your water intake throughout the day, consider investing in a water bottle with time markers or measurement lines.

Having a visual aid can help you track just how much water you’re drinking and encourage you to drink more regularly.

2. Set Hydration Goals

As with any goal, setting small, specific, and attainable hydration goals can help you get enough water in without the added hassle.

For example, try drinking one glass of water every hour or drinking two bottles of water before lunchtime.

Breaking your hydration goals down into smaller parts can keep you on track and make sure you meet the larger goal at hand.

3. Start the Day with Water

As you set hydration goals, start your day with a glass of water. After a full night of sleep, your body wakes up naturally dehydrated and water can help you rest.

When you drink water in the morning, you:

  • Rehydrate your body
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Flush out toxins
  • Enhance your brain function
  • Promote healthy digestion

4. Drink Flavored Water

Drinking water doesn’t have to be boring. Instead, try adding natural flavors to your water — like slices of lemon, lime, cucumber, or fresh mint leaves.

Or, for a more convenient option, buy a box of sparkling water in your favorite flavor.

Flavored water can make drinking water more enjoyable and, in the process, help you increase your intake.

5. Eat Water-Rich Foods

If you think the only way you can stay hydrated is drinking water, think again. Many foods are high in water content, which can help you stay hydrated and provide essential vitamins and minerals you need.

Some of the most hydrating foods include:

  • Melons such as watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple
  • Peaches
  • Oranges
  • Bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuce

6. Eat More Soups and Broths

Another way you can increase your hydration in food form is with soups and broths. Soups and broths aren’t only hydrating, but they’re incredibly versatile.

Bone broth, for example, is rich in electrolytes and can be sipped on as a warm beverage or as a base for other soups.

Miso soup contains probiotics and can be paired with a salad or sushi.

Vegetable soup contains vitamins and minerals and can be made into a minestrone.

7. Try Hydration Supplements

Hydration supplements can be a convenient way to boost your electrolyte intake, particularly after intense exercise or during hot weather.

Generally, hydration supplements come in tablets or powders that dissolve in water.

Look for supplements with low sugar content. Popular options include:

8. Use Hydration Apps

If all else fails, there’s always an app to help you meet your hydration goal.

Hydration apps can help you track your water intake, set reminders to drink water, and give you personalized hydration goals based on your activity level and environment.

Popular apps include:


Good hydration is key to good health. Adequate water intake supports cognitive function, metabolism, digestion, and more. If you want to experience these benefits, try out any of these tips and hit your hydration goals all summer long.